DAX vs Power Query M

Brendan Clarke, NHS Education for Scotland, brendan.clarke2@nhs.scot



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Session outline

  • about DAX and PQM
    • DAX and PQM vs Excel formulas
  • distinctive features
    • query steps (PQM)
    • filter context (DAX)
  • applications and best practice
  • feedback and resources


  • Power BI desktop
  • download and open this sample dashboard
    • three datasets, brought in from the web with PowerQuery
    • several calculated columns

About DAX and PQM

  • found in Excel and Power BI (and in Microsoft’s SQL products)
  • DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)
    • Excel: PowerPivot
    • Power BI: Measures and calculated columns
  • PQM (Power Query M)
    • Excel: PowerQuery and various Get Data tools
    • PowerBI: various data loading tools and Tranform data

Different applications

  • DAX = summarising/analysing data
  • PQM = loading/transforming data

DAX vs Excel

  • there are plenty of apparent similarities with Excel
    • broadly, functional approach
    • similar/identical function names
    • similar syntax in some places
  • calculate a column overall = SUM(ae_activity[over4]) in DAX
    • like Excel, this sums the entire over4 column, rather than each row
      sums the entire over4 column

PQM vs Excel

  • PQ really looks like Excel
    • familiar tools - renaming/removing columns, filtering
    • evolved tools - like Split Column
  • PQM is much less like Excel formula language than DAX

Appearances mislead

  • try adding another column to the Excel formula, and to the DAX
    • e.g. overall = SUM(ae_activity[over4], ae_activity[over12]))
    • ✔️ Excel is perfectly fine with this
    • ❌ but DAX’s SUM function falls over
  • for PQM, totally different approach required to Excel

Input in DAX

  • DAX takes structured references to columns and tables (no A3)
    • overall = SUM(ae_activity[over4]) sums all the values in the over4 column
    • table[column] - so this is the over4 column in the ae_activity table

Input in PQM

  • PQM works on query steps, with the #step name (and columns/tables) as input
    • = List.Sum(#"Filtered Rows"[over4]) would sum all the values in the over4 column
      sum all the values in the over4 column
    • takes the #Filtered Rowsquery step, and sums its over4 column
    • that new query step will be called #Calculated Sum (but we could edit that)
  • this is unusual, but gives PQM users a tweak-able history of their data transformation with undo/redo
  • try looking at the advanced editor in PQM to see what PQM really looks like
    advanced editor view of PQM

Filter context

  • there is considerable overlap between DAX and PQM
    • example: DAX’s calculated columns replicates functionality in PQM (and Excel)
  • to show the DAX-specific part of the story, we’ll need to make a measure
  • measures are responsive summaries of our data - when a user twiddles the dashboard, they’ll change
    • or, measures respond to the filter context

Make a measure

  • take your calculated column DAX and make a measure using exactly the same code
    • overall_m = SUM(ae_activity[over4])
      • same code as the calculated column
      • different filter context
  • then put overall and overall_m into a table
  • then play with the filters, showing very different results for the calculated column and the measure:
    different results for the calculated column and the measure

More on the filter context

  • different functions interpret the context differently: SUM vs SUMX
    • SUMX evaluates some expression for each row in the context: overall_x = SUMX(ae_activity, ae_activity[over4] + ae_activity[over8])
      SUMX evaluates some expression for each row in the context
  • CALCULATE as a function specifically for fooling with the filter context in a more detailed way
    • overall_borders = CALCULATE(SUM(ae_activity[over4]), ae_activity[board] = "NHS Borders") to restrict to just NHS Borders
      restrict to just NHS Borders

Applications and best practice

  • there’s lots of overlap, and so you can work to suit your preferences
    • e.g. not clear whether creating calculated columns is better in DAX or PQM
  • if you need your data to respond to the user, do it with DAX
  • if you need to create lots of calculated values, do it with DAX
  • if you need to transform your data, PQM
  • if you need to clean and tidy your data, PQM
  • if you need to undo/redo, PQM

Feedback and resources