Formulas in Excel

Brendan Clarke, NHS Education for Scotland,



  • this session is 🌶 - aimed at Excel beginners
  • we’ll get going properly at 15.05
  • you’ll need any version of Excel to follow along
  • if you can’t access the chat, you might need to join our Teams channel:
  • you can find session materials at

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  • a social learning space for staff working with knowledge, information, and data across health, social care, and housing in Scotland
  • we offer social support, free training, mentoring, community events, …
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Excel training sessions

Session Date Area Level
Lambda formulas in Excel 13:00-13:30 Mon 15th July 2024 Excel 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level
Lookups in Excel 13:00-14:30 Thu 1st August 2024 Excel 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level
Relative, absolute, mixed, structured, and R1C1 references in Excel 15:00-16:00 Thu 8th August 2024 Excel 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level

Where does this fit in?

KIND Excel beginner skill tree

  • for this session, you’ll need to be familiar with the Excel basics (getting around in Excel, opening/saving/closing files)
  • you’ll also need to be familiar with A1 referencing, values, and tables
  • we’re going to avoid talking about formatting as much as possible today

Session outline

  • values and formulas
  • simple functions
  • references in formulas

Values and formulas


Example value, showing identical cell contents and formula bar contents

  • when you enter some data in a cell, we call that a value
  • values look the same in their cell as in the formula bar


  • we can also make a value using a formula
  • Excel evaluates/calculates the formula, then displays the result as a value
  • in an empty cell, try entering = 2 + 2

Example formula, showing different cell contents and formula bar contents

Example formulas

  • we can do ordinary arithmetic in formulas /, *, -, +
  • you can also try & which joins values
    • = "This number is " & 5


  • But most formulas use functions, which are like the verbs of Excel
  • Try = SUM(2, 2)

Adding functions

  • you can type functions in by name (as above)

  • you can also add from the Formulas area of the ribbon
    add from the Formulas area of the ribbon

  • or you can use the \(fx\) button by the formula bar
    use the fx button by the formula bar

Function arguments

  • adding a function by \(fx\) or the menu brings up the Function Arguments interface
    Function Arguments interface

  • This is a helpful builder for more complicated functions

What are arguments?

  • arguments are the values we supply to a function

    • in =SUM(2,3), the arguments are 2 and 3
  • we separate arguments with a comma ,

  • we need to be sure we’re supplying the right arguments in the right order (this gets described as the syntax of a function)

  • we also, while we’re on the jargon, say that functions return a value so = SUM(4,3) will return 7

Useful simple functions

  • in the same way as =SUM(), you can try:
    • MIN and MAX
    • TODAY
    • ROUND

References in formulas

  • mostly, you won’t add values directly into your formulas
  • instead, you’ll bring them in from another part of your spreadsheet
  • can you use SUM() to make a total Male + Female column in the supplied data?
    • add a header in cell G2
    • if needed, extend the table to include your new column
    • in G3, enter the formula = SUM(C3, D3)
    • then copy down the rows by double-clicking the green fill handle green fill handle


  • calculate what percentage of your total population is under 16
  • estimate the population density
  • find an average area for each council area

Troubleshooting functions

  • #NAME? = “I don’t recognise that function name”
  • #VALUE! = “Your syntax has gone wrong - usually in the wrong order”
  • #REF! = “I don’t recognise that reference”
  • #DIV/0! = “You’ve divided by zero”

Feedback and resources

  • please can I ask for some feedback - less than 1 minute, completely anonymous, helps people like you find the right training for them
Session Date Area Level
Lambda formulas in Excel 13:00-13:30 Mon 15th July 2024 Excel 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level
Lookups in Excel 13:00-14:30 Thu 1st August 2024 Excel 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level
Relative, absolute, mixed, structured, and R1C1 references in Excel 15:00-16:00 Thu 8th August 2024 Excel 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level