Lookups in Excel

Brendan Clarke, NHS Education for Scotland, brendan.clarke2@nhs.scot



  • this session is for 🌶🌶 intermediate Excel users
  • we’ll get going properly at 13.05
  • you’ll need Excel M365 Desktop and this sample Excel workbook to follow along, and you’ll need to be comfortable working with tables, references, and formulas to get the most out of the session
  • if you can’t access the chat, you might need to join our Teams channel: tinyurl.com/kindnetwork
  • you can find session materials at tinyurl.com/kindtrp

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Excel training sessions

Session Date Area Level
Relative, absolute, mixed, structured, and R1C1 references in Excel 15:00-16:00 Thu 8th August 2024 Excel 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level
Excel first steps 09:30-10:30 Tue 3rd September 2024 Excel 🌶 :beginner-level
References and names in Excel 09:30-10:30 Tue 10th September 2024 Excel 🌶 :beginner-level
Tidy data in Excel 09:30-10:30 Tue 17th September 2024 Excel 🌶 :beginner-level

Session outline

  • introduction to lookups
  • three methods for lookups
    • INDEX() + MATCH()
    • VLOOKUP()
    • XLOOKUP()
  • partial matching

Getting started

  • files for today
    • s03_exercises.xlsx is a starting-point for the exercises today
    • s03_exercises_final.xlsx is the end-point for the exercises today - it’s there to help if you get stuck or lost


  1. open the sample spreadsheet s03_exercises.xlsx and have a look around

Introduction to lookups

  • imagine that you have a table like this:
  • how would you find someone’s age from their name?
  1. take the relevant name from somewhere
  2. look up the name in the table
  3. return the age corresponding to that name


  • older way of doing lookups
    • think timeless classic rather than old banger
  • simple and flexible
  • great way to understand and practice the logic of lookups


  • INDEX() retrieves data from cells. You supply two arguments:
    • an array (range) of cells
    • a row number
  • INDEX(A1:A10, 3) gives you the third row of the range A1:A10
  • general syntax: INDEX(array, row_num, [column_num])
    • array is the range we want to look in
    • row_num and the optional column_num is the number of the row (± column) that you want



  1. Find the INDEX worksheet of the s03_exercises.xlsx workbook
  2. We have a one-column table containing names in A2:A11
  3. Use INDEX() to find the value in the third row


  • MATCH() retrieves the row number of a cell. You supply two arguments:
    • a lookup value
    • an array of cells
  • MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])


  • the optional match_type argument is deathly important:
  • 1 (or omitted) finds the largest value that is less than or equal to the lookup
  • 0 finds the first value that is exactly equal to the lookup
  • -1 finds the smallest value that is greater than or equal to the lookup



  1. Go to the MATCH worksheet
  2. We have (the same) one-column table of names in A2:A11
  3. Use MATCH() to find the row containing “Broward” - being careful to set match_type appropriately


  • given that match gives us the row number, and index takes a row number and returns a value, we can link them up nicely
  • first search through our data to find a MATCH()ing row
  • then use INDEX() to retrieve some other column from that row


  • the general syntax will be =INDEX(range, MATCH("Name", range, 0))


  1. Go to the INDEX + MATCH (1) worksheet
  2. We have a two column table, and we want a user to be able to supply a number in E2, and receive the appropriate word in E3
  3. First, write an appropriate MATCH() formula to find the row matching the input
  4. Next, write an INDEX() to take that MATCH() value and return the appropriate word
  5. Finally, try joining both formulas together in one to give an INDEX() + MATCH()




  1. Go to the INDEX + MATCH (2) worksheet. We have several formulas about Eunika. Can you fix them to give the correct result?


  • roughly INDEX() + MATCH() in one
  • VLOOKUP returns along rows, allowing us to look up a value in one column, and returns a corresponding value from another column
  • that sounds ideal, but beware: VLOOKUP() is more quirky than INDEX() + MATCH()


  • VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])
  • lookup_value is what we want to look up
  • table_array is the table that we’re looking up in
  • col_index_num is the number of the column that we want to return from
  • range_lookup allows either approximate matching (the default) or exact matching (by specifying FALSE)
    • The major source of oddity. Make sure you check the manual before doing anything serious with VLOOKUP()



  1. Go to the VLOOKUP worksheet
  2. There are two requests for lookups. Can you populate them with appropriate VLOOKUP() formulas?



  • semi-new (any versions after Excel 2019)
  • similar to INDEX() + MATCH(). Major differences:
    • it spills, so ideal for returning unpredictable quantities of cells
    • provides exact matching by default
  • the basic syntax is: = XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array)



  1. Go to the XLOOKUP (1) worksheet
  2. There are two requests for lookups. Can you populate them with appropriate XLOOKUP() formulas?

Returning several cells with XLOOKUP()


  1. Go to the XLOOKUP (2) worksheet
  2. Set up an XLOOKUP() supplying a range of columns as the return_array value

Fighting with tables

  • note that returning several cells into a table often causes errors
  • you may need to work with a range instead if planning to use XLOOKUP() to return an unpredictable amount of data

Partial text matching

  • Excel is not brilliant for partial text matching
  • there are a number of commercial add-ins and VBA-based solutions
    • those come with risks
    • we’ll concentrate on base-Excel here
  • three main options:
  1. XLOOKUP() with match_mode = 2 + wildcard
  2. VLOOKUP() with range_lookup = FALSE + wildcards
  3. MATCH() with match_type = 0 + wildcards

XLOOKUP() with match_mode = 2 + wildcard

  • XLOOKUP() allows partial matching via the “*” wildcard
  • add “*” to the end of the partial string you want to match
  • however, please be aware that:
  1. this will only reliably match sub-strings at the start of strings
    1. (so “ow*” will match “owl” but not “towel”)
    2. adding extra wildcards interacted unpredictably with match_mode in testing
  • =XLOOKUP("*substring*", search col, return col, ,2)

VLOOKUP() with range_lookup = FALSE + wildcards

  • as with XLOOKUP, adding “*” allows wildcard matching
  • but you can do better with the wildcard sandwich: "*substring*"
    • or, if you’re bringing in a reference "*" & cell_ref & "*"
  • ensure you set the (confusingly named) range_lookup argument to FALSE to allow approximate matching
  • VLOOKUP("*substring*", table, column, FALSE)

MATCH() with match_type = 0 + wildcards

  • same wildcard sandwich strategy, with the flexibility of INDEX() + MATCH()
  • my preferred solution, largely because the other options are harder to debug
  • =INDEX(array, MATCH("*substring*", array, 0))


  1. Go to the Partial matching worksheet
  2. Try implementing these three ways of partial matching

Feedback and resources

  • please can I ask for some feedback - takes less than a minute, completely anonymous, helps people like you find the right training for them
Session Date Area Level
Relative, absolute, mixed, structured, and R1C1 references in Excel 15:00-16:00 Thu 8th August 2024 Excel 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level
Excel first steps 09:30-10:30 Tue 3rd September 2024 Excel 🌶 :beginner-level
References and names in Excel 09:30-10:30 Tue 10th September 2024 Excel 🌶 :beginner-level