Power Automate for health and care

Brendan Clarke, NHS Education for Scotland, brendan.clarke2@nhs.scot



  • this session is 🌶 - for beginners
  • we’ll get going properly at 13.05
  • if you can’t access the chat, you might need to join our Teams channel: tinyurl.com/kindnetwork
  • you can find session materials at tinyurl.com/kindtrp

The KIND network

  • a social learning space for staff working with knowledge, information, and data across health, social care, and housing in Scotland
  • we offer social support, free training, mentoring, community events, …
  • Teams channel / mailing list

KIND training sessions

Session Date Area Level
Power automate for health and care 13:00-14:00 Thu 8th August 2024 Data 🌶 :beginner-level
Relative, absolute, mixed, structured, and R1C1 references in Excel 15:00-16:00 Thu 8th August 2024 Excel 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level
Neural nets made ridiculously simple 13:00-14:00 Mon 12th August 2024 AI/ML 🌶 :beginner-level
Hacker Stats (AKA Resampling Methods) 14:00-15:00 Wed 14th August 2024 R 🌶🌶🌶 : advanced-level

Session outline

  • a warning
  • an introduction
  • scope of the possible
  • three example tasks
  • free play

A word of warning


Do not use Power Automate for anything unless you’re absolutely sure that your organisational policies permit it

  • many boards and orgs have serious information governance and information security objections to Power Automate
    • automation tools are an excellent way to break your data
    • they’re also an excellent way to compromise its integrity/security
    • especially true if you’re thinking about automating processes with sensitive information
    • if in any doubt, speak to your IG/Caldicott/information security colleagues before setting to work

Quick introduction to Power Automate

Scope of the possible

  • Power Automate is an extremely useful tool for H&SC
  • but you should be aware of some complicating factors for people like us:
    • massive and confusing range of different templates and use-cases, often with a business-focus
    • a thick layer of promotional AI talk over everything at present (late 2024)
    • unexpected cost/IG barriers to using parts of the platform
    • glitchy, and often requiring more coding skills than you might expect
    • generally shockingly poor documentation

This session = honest, application-focused, introduction

  • we’ll build three example flows that will:
    1. take an Excel workbook, extract some parts of it, and save as a new Excel file
    2. turn a response to Microsoft Forms into a Teams post
    3. turn an Excel workbook into a simple mailing list

Subset an Excel file

Subset an Excel file

  • Manually trigger a flow
    Manually trigger a flow

Subset an Excel file

  • Add a step
    Add a step

Subset an Excel file

  • Excel online > List rows present in a table and populate
    List rows present in a table

Subset an Excel file

  • there are several ways we could subset the data
    subset the data

Subset an Excel file

  • we’ll demonstrate by taking the first 20 rows
    take the first 20 rows

Subset an Excel file

  • Create csv table
    Create csv table

Subset an Excel file

  • Create file
    Create file

Microsoft Forms to Teams

  • here’s an overview

Microsoft Forms to Teams

Microsoft Forms to Teams

  • grab the form id
    grab the form id
  • create an Build an automated cloud flow -
    Build an automated cloud flow

Microsoft Forms to Teams

  • Enter your form ID
    Enter your form ID(veDvEDCgykuAnLXmdF5Jmn79kl25VpJIq3eErXXCYKBUMU9LWURaUUhUT0xYOUtNQVY1UFpURTQ1Vi4u)

Microsoft Forms to Teams

  • Get response details
    Get response details

Microsoft Forms to Teams

  • Populate with the form and step details
    Populate with the form and step details

Microsoft Forms to Teams

  • Post message in a chat or channel
    Post message in a chat or channel

Excel workbook to mailing list

  • here’s an overview

Excel workbook to mailing list

  • start with a simple .xlsx. Again, that will need to be on Sharepoint or Onedrive
    start with a simple .xlsx

Excel workbook to mailing list

  • List rows present in a table
    Add a List rows present in a table

Excel workbook to mailing list

  • Apply to each
    Apply to each

Excel workbook to mailing list

  • Send an email notification (V3) nested inside the Apply to each
    Nest your email notification inside an apply to each

Excel workbook to mailing list

  • add the expression items('For_each')?['email']
    add the expression items('For_each')?['email']

Excel workbook to mailing list

  • enjoy the result
    Many emails result

Feedback and resources

  • please can I ask for some feedback - takes less than a minute, completely anonymous, helps people like you find the right training for them
Session Date Area Level
Power automate for health and care 13:00-14:00 Thu 8th August 2024 Data 🌶 :beginner-level
Relative, absolute, mixed, structured, and R1C1 references in Excel 15:00-16:00 Thu 8th August 2024 Excel 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level
Neural nets made ridiculously simple 13:00-14:00 Mon 12th August 2024 AI/ML 🌶 :beginner-level
Hacker Stats (AKA Resampling Methods) 14:00-15:00 Wed 14th August 2024 R 🌶🌶🌶 : advanced-level