Scope of the possible with R

Brendan Clarke, NHS Education for Scotland,



  • this session is a non-technical overview designed for service leads
  • we’ll get going properly at 15.05
  • if you can’t access the chat, you might need to join our Teams channel:

The KIND network

  • a social learning space for staff working with knowledge, information, and data across health, social care, and housing in Scotland
  • we offer social support, free training, mentoring, community events, …
  • Teams channel / mailing list

Session outline

  • Why R, and why this session?
  • R demo - take some data, load, tidy, analyse
  • Strengths and weaknesses
    • obvious
    • less obvious
  • Alternatives
  • Skill development


  • free and open-source
  • multi-platform
  • large user base
  • prominent in health, industry, biosciences

Why this session?

  • R can be confusing
    • it’s code-based, and most of us don’t have much code experience
    • it’s used for some inherently complicated tasks
    • it’s a big product with lots of add-ons and oddities
  • But R is probably the best general-purpose toolbox we have for data work at present
    • big user base in health and social care
    • focus on health and care-like applications
    • not that hard to learn
    • extensible and flexible
    • capable of enterprise-y, fancy uses

R demo

  • this is about showing what’s possible, and give you a flavour of how R works
  • we won’t explain code in detail during this session
  • using live open data

Load that data

ae_activity <- read_csv("data/weekly_ae_activity_20240609.csv")

One small bit of cheating: renaming

names(ae_activity) <- c("date", "country", "hb", "loc", "type", "attend", "n_within", "n_4", "perc_4", "n_8", "perc_8", "n_12", "perc_12")


Preview of data
date country hb loc type attend n_within n_4 perc_4 n_8 perc_8 n_12 perc_12
20220731 S92000003 S08000031 G107H Emergency Department 1582 972 610 61.4 132 8.3 25 1.6
20230730 S92000003 S08000022 H103H Emergency Department 167 156 11 93.4 3 1.8 1 0.6
20240519 S92000003 S08000030 T101H Emergency Department 1316 1121 195 85.2 3 0.2 0 0.0
20181223 S92000003 S08000032 L308H Emergency Department 1338 1245 93 93.0 6 0.4 0 0.0
20190224 S92000003 S08000029 F704H Emergency Department 1335 1164 171 87.2 10 0.7 1 0.1

Removing data

ae_activity <- ae_activity |>
    select(!c(country, contains("perc_")))
Preview of data
date hb loc type attend n_within n_4 n_8 n_12
20230604 S08000020 N121H Emergency Department 369 326 43 0 0
20220410 S08000031 G513H Emergency Department 1134 1117 17 0 0
20180304 S08000016 B120H Emergency Department 399 372 27 2 1
20240331 S08000015 A210H Emergency Department 651 415 236 119 86
20160417 S08000030 T101H Emergency Department 887 876 11 0 0

Tidying data

ae_activity <- ae_activity |>
    mutate(date = ymd(date))
Preview of data
date hb loc type attend n_within n_4 n_8 n_12
2018-01-28 S08000031 C418H Emergency Department 1228 1098 130 10 0
2016-11-06 S08000020 N101H Emergency Department 1034 968 66 2 1
2016-11-13 S08000024 S308H Emergency Department 1023 992 31 0 0
2021-04-25 S08000031 G513H Emergency Department 1225 1210 15 0 0
2022-05-01 S08000020 N121H Emergency Department 332 315 17 0 0

Subset data

  • we’ll take a random selection of 5 health boards to keep things tidy
ae_activity <- ae_activity |>
    filter(hb %in% boards)
Preview of data
date hb loc type attend n_within n_4 n_8 n_12
2019-10-13 S08000031 G513H Emergency Department 1355 1277 78 0 0
2017-08-27 S08000026 Z102H Emergency Department 142 139 3 0 0
2015-05-17 S08000031 C313H Emergency Department 625 574 51 3 0
2019-11-10 S08000029 F704H Emergency Department 1379 1275 104 3 0
2016-08-07 S08000031 C418H Emergency Department 1342 1213 129 8 0

Basic plots

ae_activity |>
    ggplot() +
    geom_line(aes(x = date, y = attend, colour = hb, group = loc)) 

Joining data

ae_activity |>
    left_join(read_csv("data/boards_data.csv"), by = c("hb" = "HB")) |>
    select(!any_of(c("_id", "HB", "HBDateEnacted", "HBDateArchived", "Country"))) |>
    ggplot() +
    geom_line(aes(x = date, y = attend, colour = HBName, group = loc))

and again…

Add to a map

ae_activity_loc |>
    leaflet::leaflet() |>
    leaflet::addTiles() |>
    leaflet::addMarkers(~longitude, ~latitude, label = ~HospitalName)

Then make that map more useful

ae_activity_loc |>
    group_by(HospitalName) |>
    summarise(attend = sum(attend), n_within = sum(n_within), longitude = min(longitude), latitude = min(latitude)) |>
    mutate(rate = paste(HospitalName, "averages", scales::percent(round(n_within / attend, 1)))) |>
    leaflet::leaflet() |>
    leaflet::addTiles() |>
    leaflet::addMarkers(~longitude, ~latitude, label = ~rate)

Then add to reports, dashboards…


  • enormous scope and flexibility
  • a force-multiplier for fancier data work
    • helps collaboration within teams, between teams, between orgs
    • reproducible analytics
    • modular approaches to large projects
  • decreasing pain curve: the fancier the project, the better


  • harder to learn than competitors
  • very patchy expertise across H+SC Scotland
  • complex IG landscape
  • messy skills development journey

Skill development

Session Date Area Level
Iteration in R 09:30-11:00 Fri 5th July 2024 R 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level
Getting more out of dplyr 10:30-12:00 Wed 17th July 2024 R 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level
Testing R code 15:00-16:30 Wed 7th August 2024 R 🌶🌶 : intermediate-level

Chat, queries, questions