Lambda formulas in Excel


July 15, 2024

Session materials

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  • 🌶🌶 this session is for intermediate Excel users
  • you’ll need M365 Excel (either web or desktop) to follow along
    • earlier versions of Excel don’t have the LAMBDA function that we’ll need
    • you’ll also need to be pretty fluent with formulas, and know a bit about naming things in Excel

Session outline

  • this session is based on our Excel skill-builder course
  • quick introduction to lambda formulas
  • LAMBDA()
  • two practical examples
  • use-cases, and tips for applications


  • lambda formulas are a way of repeating complicated Excel formulas safely
  • fairly new - M365 Excel only
  • odd, rather than hard to implement


Microsoft’s summary of LAMBDA

  1. take an existing formula
  2. work out what the inputs are - usually, which cells are referenced
  3. add one parameter per input
  4. do a calculation with those parameters
  5. name and save that formula

Making a lambda function (setup)

  • put some random numbers in A3 and B3
  • we could calculate A3 * B3 directly
  • but imagine we want to convert = A3 * B3 to a lambda

Making a lambda function

  • start with the lambda outline in D3
    • = LAMBDA()
  • next, add test values in a second set of brackets
    • = LAMBDA()(A3, B3)
  • we now invent parameter names (like variable names) for each of those values, and add them
    • = LAMBDA(n_1, n_2, )(A3, B3)
  • then add the formula that we want to replicate
    • = LAMBDA(n_1, n_2, n_1 * n_2)(A3, B3)

Saving a lambda function

  • once you’ve tested and checked your lambda with a range of test values, copy your lambda formula (without the test values in the second brackets)
  • then open the name manager (Ctrl + F3)
  • create a new name, then name your lambda definition using the New Name interface
  • paste your lambda into the Refers to: section
    • omit the test values - so just = LAMBDA(n_1, n_2, n_1 * n_2)
  • test your new lambda function

Lambda functions

  • a real-ish example: converting CHI to DoB
  • put an example CHI into G2 (like 1610790854)
  • you can use the following 😱 formula:
=DATE(IF(RIGHT(LEFT(G2, 6), 2) > RIGHT(YEAR(TODAY()), 2), 19, 20) & RIGHT(LEFT(G2, 6), 2), MID(LEFT(G2, 6), 3, 2), LEFT(LEFT(G2, 6), 2))
  • that’s a horrifying thing to paste about, so we can make this into a lambda:
=LAMBDA(chi, DATE(IF(RIGHT(LEFT(chi, 6), 2) > RIGHT(YEAR(TODAY()), 2), 19, 20)&RIGHT(LEFT(chi, 6), 2), MID(LEFT(chi, 6), 3, 2), LEFT(LEFT(chi, 6), 2)))(G2)
  • then save as CHI_TO_DOB via the name manager

Use-cases, and tips for applications

  • making workbooks less complicated
    • names and lambda formulas are a strong combo
  • standardising (and user-proofing) complex formulas
  • lambdas are local, so you need to think laterally to re-use them
    • make a new blank sheet, and right-click the sheet tab
    • Move or Copy... to new book