A Data-Centric Introduction to Python


July 12, 2024

Previous attendees have said…

  • 14 previous attendees have left feedback
  • 93% would recommend this session to a colleague
  • 100% said that this session was pitched correctly

Three random comments from previous attendees
  • As described on the tin, a slightly chaotic introduction to Python.
  • Great session. I liked the comparison between R and Python.
  • Great beginner level intro to python. Helpful to have it compared to R and the ways to access.

A note on this mixed R/Python Quarto file: the text and Python sections were written in a Jupyter notebook, then converted into a Quarto document by:

quarto convert a_data_centric_introduction_to_python.ipynb

R sections, and the tabsets were added, and the document was then knitted using R Quarto in Rstudio by attaching the reticulate (Ushey, Allaire, and Tang 2024) package:


A data-centric introduction to Python

This is a friendly beginner session introducing users to Python. It’s health-and-social-care opinionated, assumes no previous Python knowledge, and will have lots of scope for practical demonstrations. Given that lots of users in the KIND network will have some prior experience of R, we’ll introduce some key Python features by comparison with R

Session structure

  • a brief general-purpose chat for intro to the language
  • how to read and write Python (jupyter/VS Code/Posit workbench/positron)
  • a side-note about Excel Python
  • Python for R developers - a practical demonstration

Python introduction

Reading and writing Python

  • you’ll need:
    • Python, currently at 3.12
    • (almost certainly) something to manage modules - like pip or conda
    • (almost certainly) an integrated development environment. Loads of options:

Excel Python

  • Python is coming to Excel, apparently…
    • roll-out slower than expected
  • gives an alternative to VBA etc
  • code gets executed in the cloud, so no infrastructure faff…
    • but a potential information governance headache
  • on the offchance that you have it available, =PY() is the key function

Python for R people

You’re welcome to follow along using the free basic Python set-up at W3schools

  • “hello world!”
  • indents vs brackets
  • Rmarkdown vs Jupyter
  • packages vs modules - for data from csv comparison
  • basic work with tabular data - for methods
  • vector/tibble/list vs list/tuple/dict/set - for vectorisation vs list comps
  • pandas for tabular data
  • plotting comparison

“hello world!”

Initially, there’s very little to choose between R and Python, and everything is likely to feel very familiar..

print("hello world!")
hello world!
1 + 2
hw = "hello " + "world" + "!"
'hello world!'
"hello world"
[1] "hello world"
1 + 2
[1] 3
hw <- paste("hello", "world", "!")
[1] "hello world !"


  • a first big difference: indents matter in Python
  • they’re non-optional with proper syntactic function
    • broadly correspond to curly brackets in R
word = "care"

if word == "care":
    print("I have found someone from care")
    print("No, I haven't found anyone from care")
I have found someone from care
word <- "care"

if (word == "care") {
  print("I have found someone from care")
} else {
  print("No, I haven't found anyone from care")
[1] "I have found someone from care"

Rmarkdown/Quarto vs Jupyter

  • Jupyter provides interactive code- and markdown editing. Compare to the render/knit-based workflow of qmd/Rmd
  • web-based, so perhaps more like posit.cloud / workbench than Rstudio
  • comparatively harder to edit .ipynb files than .Rmd/.qmd in other tools

Packages vs modules

We’ll load the pandas module in Python, and the readr package in R (Wickham, Hester, and Bryan 2024) to compare and contrast loading external functions. We’ll use those to read some sample data (the KIND book of the week dataset).

botw_dat = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NES-DEW/KIND-community-standards/main/data/KIND_book_of_the_week.csv"

import pandas
botw = pandas.read_csv(botw_dat)

But we also have a lot of options for loading modules. We can alias, most usefully to give us short names for commonly-used functions:

import pandas as pd
botw = pd.read_csv(botw_dat)

We could even load an individual function from a module:

from pandas import read_csv as read_csv
botw = read_csv(botw_dat)

# one minor bit of cheating - we'll coerce the Year column to numeric
botw = botw.replace("1979 (1935)", 1979)
botw["Year"] = pandas.to_numeric(botw["Year"])

There are comparatively fewer options for package loading in R. You’d traditionally attach a whole package using library:


botw_dat <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NES-DEW/KIND-community-standards/main/data/KIND_book_of_the_week.csv"

botw <- read_csv(botw_dat)

You can load individual functions by namespacing via :::

botw <- readr::read_csv(botw_dat)

It is also possible, although non-standard, to alias individual functions:

steve <- readr::read_csv
botw <- steve(botw_dat)

Fun with tabular data

Doing some basic playing with our tabular data shows that Python uses methods - like a local version of a functions that are specific to certain types of object. While methods can be used in R, in practice most R code relies on functions.

Both shape and index are methods that we’ve imported from pandas. They’ll only work in pandas objects, which we’ll talk about more below.

botw.shape # shape is a method
(25, 8)
len(botw.index) # as is index
botw.shape[0] # Python is 0-indexed
dim(botw) # dim is a function
[1] 25  8
nrow(botw) # as is nrow
[1] 25
dim(botw)[1] # Python is 1-indexed
[1] 25

Data types

  • there are four basic data types in Python
  • list
  • tuple
  • dict
  • set
numbers_list = [1,2,3,4,5] # changeable
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
numbers_tuple = (1,2,3,4,5) # unchangeable
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
numbers_dict = {"one":1, "two":2, "three":3} # changeable (now), no duplicates
{'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
numbers_set = {1,2,3,4,5} # unchangeable, no duplicates
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
# Modify in place semantics
  • R has several basic data types, but in practice only three are commonly encountered. These are the vector, the data frame, and the list (confusing!):
numbers_vector <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
numbers_dataframe <- data.frame(nums = numbers_vector)
1    1
2    2
3    3
4    4
5    5
numbers_list <- list(numbers_vector, numbers_dataframe)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

1    1
2    2
3    3
4    4
5    5

Loops, list comprehensions, and vectorization

There are various methods for repeatedly running code. We’ll demonstrate a couple of simple methods here. Note that both Python and R have rich and powerful functional programming tools available (like map), but we’ll park those for now.

You’ll need to use loops, or (much nicer) list comprehension in Python. There’s no exact counterpart of R’s vectorized functions:

double_numbers_loop = []

for n in numbers_list:
    double_numbers_loop.append(n * 2)

[10, 8, 6, 4, 2]

List comprehension

Like a lovely lightweight loop syntax

double_numbers_list =  [n*2 for n in numbers_list]
[10, 8, 6, 4, 2]
# and, more fancy...
double_even_numbers_list =  [n*2 for n in numbers_list if (n%2 == 0) ]
[8, 4]

By and large, R is at its best with vectorized functions:

double_numbers_vector <- numbers_vector * 2
[1]  2  4  6  8 10

Loops are possible too

double_numbers_loop <- vector("numeric", length = length(numbers_vector))

for (i in numbers_vector) {
  double_numbers_loop[i] <- i * 2

R has copy-on-modify semantics, and so care needs to be taken to avoid writing poorly-performing loops. That means that loops are used comparatively rarely in R.

Tabular data basics

  • we’ll do a quick overview of pandas, based on their excellent 10 minute overview
  • our botw object is a DataFrame, which is based on a dict
    • like tibbles, DataFrames can contain columns of different types
botw.dtypes # find out what we're dealing with
Date                object
Author              object
Year                 int64
Title               object
ISBN                 int64
Worldcat            object
KnowledgeNetwork    object
Description         object
dtype: object
botw.head() # shows first few rows
         Date  ...                                        Description
0  06/03/2024  ...  The Code Book: The Secret History of Codes and...
1  13/03/2024  ...  Here's a book of the week suggestion following...
2  20/03/2024  ...                                                NaN
3  27/03/2024  ...                                                NaN
4  24/04/2024  ...  We're looking at regular expressions in the co...

[5 rows x 8 columns]
botw.index # effectively counts rows
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=25, step=1)
botw.columns # gives column names
Index(['Date', 'Author', 'Year', 'Title', 'ISBN', 'Worldcat',
       'KnowledgeNetwork', 'Description'],
botw.describe() # simple summary
              Year          ISBN
count    25.000000  2.500000e+01
mean   2006.080000  9.780938e+12
std      15.057999  6.875555e+08
min    1954.000000  9.780136e+12
25%    2001.000000  9.780241e+12
50%    2011.000000  9.780738e+12
75%    2016.000000  9.781592e+12
max    2020.000000  9.781857e+12
botw.sort_values("Year") # sorting by column values
          Date  ...                                        Description
20  21/08/2024  ...  This week's book of the week was suggested by ...
9   29/05/2024  ...  If last week's book was a paean to the use of ...
2   20/03/2024  ...                                                NaN
6   08/05/2024  ...  After the discussion last week about the troub...
0   06/03/2024  ...  The Code Book: The Secret History of Codes and...
15  10/07/2024  ...  There are a lot of statistics textbooks out th...
13  26/06/2024  ...  We're still on a mini-exploration of manufactu...
12  19/06/2024  ...  Last week's recommendation about agnotology sp...
10  05/06/2024  ...  It's now close to twenty years old, and deals ...
21  28/08/2024  ...  This week's book of the week was suggested by ...
7   15/05/2024  ...  If I was posh enough to have a Latin motto, it...
1   13/03/2024  ...  Here's a book of the week suggestion following...
22  04/09/2024  ...  This week's book of the week was suggested by ...
18  07/08/2024  ...  This is an excellent introduction to disease g...
11  12/06/2024  ...  While the word [agnotology](https://simple.wik...
16  17/07/2024  ...  This book suggestion comes from a conversation...
19  14/08/2024  ...  This is a fun and thought-provoking set of ess...
3   27/03/2024  ...                                                NaN
17  31/07/2024  ...  If you've ever been stunned by an unexpectedly...
4   24/04/2024  ...  We're looking at regular expressions in the co...
8   22/05/2024  ...  A love-letter to the power of domain knowledge...
14  03/07/2024  ...  This week's BotW suggestion comes from Anna Sc...
5   01/05/2024  ...  Anyone who works with data knows that our data...
23  11/09/2024  ...  Rosalyn Pearson, a Senior Information Analyst ...
24  18/09/2024  ...  A possibly-controversial choice this week, wit...

[25 rows x 8 columns]
botw["Date"] # selecting a column and creating a series
0     06/03/2024
1     13/03/2024
2     20/03/2024
3     27/03/2024
4     24/04/2024
5     01/05/2024
6     08/05/2024
7     15/05/2024
8     22/05/2024
9     29/05/2024
10    05/06/2024
11    12/06/2024
12    19/06/2024
13    26/06/2024
14    03/07/2024
15    10/07/2024
16    17/07/2024
17    31/07/2024
18    07/08/2024
19    14/08/2024
20    21/08/2024
21    28/08/2024
22    04/09/2024
23    11/09/2024
24    18/09/2024
Name: Date, dtype: object
botw[2:4] # subsetting by index using a slice and returning a DataFrame
         Date          Author  ...  KnowledgeNetwork Description
2  20/03/2024   David Oldroyd  ...               NaN         NaN
3  27/03/2024  Katrine Marçal  ...               NaN         NaN

[2 rows x 8 columns]
botw[["Date"]] # subsetting entire columns
0   06/03/2024
1   13/03/2024
2   20/03/2024
3   27/03/2024
4   24/04/2024
5   01/05/2024
6   08/05/2024
7   15/05/2024
8   22/05/2024
9   29/05/2024
10  05/06/2024
11  12/06/2024
12  19/06/2024
13  26/06/2024
14  03/07/2024
15  10/07/2024
16  17/07/2024
17  31/07/2024
18  07/08/2024
19  14/08/2024
20  21/08/2024
21  28/08/2024
22  04/09/2024
23  11/09/2024
24  18/09/2024
botw.loc[4] # subsetting by index using a slice and returning a series
Date                                                       24/04/2024
Author                                                       Tom Lean
Year                                                             2016
Title               Electronic Dreams: How 1980s Britain Learned t...
ISBN                                                    9781472918338
Worldcat                  https://search.worldcat.org/title/907966036
KnowledgeNetwork                                                  NaN
Description         We're looking at regular expressions in the co...
Name: 4, dtype: object
botw.loc[4, ["Author", "Year"]] # subsetting by index and columns and returning a DataFrame
Author    Tom Lean
Year          2016
Name: 4, dtype: object
botw[botw["Year"] > 2010].sort_values("Year") # subsetting by years, and sorting
          Date  ...                                        Description
1   13/03/2024  ...  Here's a book of the week suggestion following...
18  07/08/2024  ...  This is an excellent introduction to disease g...
22  04/09/2024  ...  This week's book of the week was suggested by ...
11  12/06/2024  ...  While the word [agnotology](https://simple.wik...
16  17/07/2024  ...  This book suggestion comes from a conversation...
19  14/08/2024  ...  This is a fun and thought-provoking set of ess...
4   24/04/2024  ...  We're looking at regular expressions in the co...
3   27/03/2024  ...                                                NaN
17  31/07/2024  ...  If you've ever been stunned by an unexpectedly...
8   22/05/2024  ...  A love-letter to the power of domain knowledge...
14  03/07/2024  ...  This week's BotW suggestion comes from Anna Sc...
5   01/05/2024  ...  Anyone who works with data knows that our data...
23  11/09/2024  ...  Rosalyn Pearson, a Senior Information Analyst ...
24  18/09/2024  ...  A possibly-controversial choice this week, wit...

[14 rows x 8 columns]
botw[botw["Author"].isin(["Katrine Marçal", "Caroline Criado Perez"])] # finding matching values
         Date  ...                                        Description
3  27/03/2024  ...                                                NaN
5  01/05/2024  ...  Anyone who works with data knows that our data...

[2 rows x 8 columns]
botw.dropna() # removes any missing values in the whole DataFrame
          Date  ...                                        Description
11  12/06/2024  ...  While the word [agnotology](https://simple.wik...
14  03/07/2024  ...  This week's BotW suggestion comes from Anna Sc...
15  10/07/2024  ...  There are a lot of statistics textbooks out th...
17  31/07/2024  ...  If you've ever been stunned by an unexpectedly...
20  21/08/2024  ...  This week's book of the week was suggested by ...
22  04/09/2024  ...  This week's book of the week was suggested by ...
23  11/09/2024  ...  Rosalyn Pearson, a Senior Information Analyst ...

[7 rows x 8 columns]
botw["Title"].str.lower() # returning the title column as a lower-case series
0                                         the code book
1                                    ghost in the wires
2                                 the arch of knowledge
3                        who cooked adam smith's dinner
4     electronic dreams: how 1980s britain learned t...
5     invisible women: exposing data bias in a world...
6                        the mismeasure of man (2nd ed)
7        being wrong: adventures in the margin of error
8     bad blood: secrets and lies in a silicon valle...
9          genesis and development of a scientific fact
10    in the beginning was the worm: finding the sec...
11                                   merchants of doubt
12    harvey's heart: the discovery of blood circula...
13    dark remedy: the impact of thalidomide and its...
14                                how emotions are made
15                       medical statistics at a glance
16                               the half-life of facts
17                          weapons of math destruction
18                disease maps: epidemics on the ground
19    the utopia of rules: on technology, stupidity,...
20                           how to lie with statistics
21     "clean code: a handbook of agile software cra...
22                              thinking, fast and slow
23                      the 7 deadly sins of psychology
24    what tech calls thinking: an inquiry into the ...
Name: Title, dtype: object
botw["Date"] = pandas.to_datetime(botw["Date"],format='%d/%m/%Y') # fixing publication dates
botw.groupby(pd.DatetimeIndex(botw['Date']).month)[["Year"]].mean("Year") # average year of publication by month of botw
3     2003.000000
4     2016.000000
5     2004.400000
6     2004.500000
7     2011.500000
8     1997.000000
9     2016.666667
library(dplyr) # we'll need dplyr for this work
str(botw) # shows data types etc
spc_tbl_ [25 × 8] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ Date            : chr [1:25] "06/03/2024" "13/03/2024" "20/03/2024" "27/03/2024" ...
 $ Author          : chr [1:25] "Simon Singh" "Kevin Mitnick" "David Oldroyd" "Katrine Marçal" ...
 $ Year            : chr [1:25] "1999" "2011" "1986" "2016" ...
 $ Title           : chr [1:25] "The Code Book" "Ghost in the Wires" "The Arch of Knowledge" "Who Cooked Adam Smith's Dinner" ...
 $ ISBN            : num [1:25] 9.78e+12 9.78e+12 9.78e+12 9.78e+12 9.78e+12 ...
 $ Worldcat        : chr [1:25] "https://search.worldcat.org/title/59579840" "https://search.worldcat.org/title/773175688" "https://search.worldcat.org/title/12663957" "https://search.worldcat.org/title/933444501" ...
 $ KnowledgeNetwork: chr [1:25] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Description     : chr [1:25] "The Code Book: The Secret History of Codes and Code-Breaking a book by . (bookshop.org) (to buy online but supp"| __truncated__ "Here's a book of the week suggestion following on from the codes theme from last time. It's the autobiography o"| __truncated__ NA NA ...
 - attr(*, "spec")=
  .. cols(
  ..   Date = col_character(),
  ..   Author = col_character(),
  ..   Year = col_character(),
  ..   Title = col_character(),
  ..   ISBN = col_double(),
  ..   Worldcat = col_character(),
  ..   KnowledgeNetwork = col_character(),
  ..   Description = col_character()
  .. )
 - attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr> 
head(botw) # shows first few rows
# A tibble: 6 × 8
  Date       Author    Year  Title    ISBN Worldcat KnowledgeNetwork Description
  <chr>      <chr>     <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>    <chr>            <chr>      
1 06/03/2024 Simon Si… 1999  The … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             The Code B…
2 13/03/2024 Kevin Mi… 2011  Ghos… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             Here's a b…
3 20/03/2024 David Ol… 1986  The … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             <NA>       
4 27/03/2024 Katrine … 2016  Who … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             <NA>       
5 24/04/2024 Tom Lean  2016  Elec… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             We're look…
6 01/05/2024 Caroline… 2019  Invi… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             Anyone who…
nrow(botw) # counts rows
[1] 25
names(botw) # column names
[1] "Date"             "Author"           "Year"             "Title"           
[5] "ISBN"             "Worldcat"         "KnowledgeNetwork" "Description"     
     Date              Author              Year              Title          
 Length:25          Length:25          Length:25          Length:25         
 Class :character   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
      ISBN             Worldcat         KnowledgeNetwork   Description       
 Min.   :9.780e+12   Length:25          Length:25          Length:25         
 1st Qu.:9.780e+12   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Median :9.781e+12   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
 Mean   :9.781e+12                                                           
 3rd Qu.:9.782e+12                                                           
 Max.   :9.782e+12                                                           
botw |>
  arrange(Year) # native pipe operator in R. Piped code in Python requires modules
# A tibble: 25 × 8
   Date       Author   Year  Title    ISBN Worldcat KnowledgeNetwork Description
   <chr>      <chr>    <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>    <chr>            <chr>      
 1 21/08/2024 Darrell… 1954  How … 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… "This week…
 2 29/05/2024 Ludwig … 1979… Gene… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "If last w…
 3 20/03/2024 David O… 1986  The … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>              <NA>      
 4 08/05/2024 Stephen… 1996  The … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "After the…
 5 06/03/2024 Simon S… 1999  The … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "The Code …
 6 10/07/2024 Aviva P… 2000  Medi… 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… "There are…
 7 19/06/2024 Andrew … 2001  Harv… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "Last week…
 8 26/06/2024 Trent D… 2001  Dark… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "We're sti…
 9 05/06/2024 Andrew … 2004  In t… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "It's now …
10 28/08/2024 Robert … 2008  Clea… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "This week…
# ℹ 15 more rows
botw$Date # selecting a column as a vector
 [1] "06/03/2024" "13/03/2024" "20/03/2024" "27/03/2024" "24/04/2024"
 [6] "01/05/2024" "08/05/2024" "15/05/2024" "22/05/2024" "29/05/2024"
[11] "05/06/2024" "12/06/2024" "19/06/2024" "26/06/2024" "03/07/2024"
[16] "10/07/2024" "17/07/2024" "31/07/2024" "07/08/2024" "14/08/2024"
[21] "21/08/2024" "28/08/2024" "04/09/2024" "11/09/2024" "18/09/2024"
botw |>
  slice(3:4) # subsetting by index using slice and returning a tibble Note different indexing behaviour
# A tibble: 2 × 8
  Date       Author    Year  Title    ISBN Worldcat KnowledgeNetwork Description
  <chr>      <chr>     <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>    <chr>            <chr>      
1 20/03/2024 David Ol… 1986  The … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             <NA>       
2 27/03/2024 Katrine … 2016  Who … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             <NA>       
botw |>
  select(Date) # subsetting entire columns
# A tibble: 25 × 1
 1 06/03/2024
 2 13/03/2024
 3 20/03/2024
 4 27/03/2024
 5 24/04/2024
 6 01/05/2024
 7 08/05/2024
 8 15/05/2024
 9 22/05/2024
10 29/05/2024
# ℹ 15 more rows
as.character(botw[5,]) # subsetting by index and coercing to a vector. This is pretty non-idiomatic in R
[1] "24/04/2024"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
[2] "Tom Lean"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
[3] "2016"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
[4] "Electronic Dreams: How 1980s Britain Learned to Love the Computer"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
[5] "9781472918338"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
[6] "https://search.worldcat.org/title/907966036"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
[7] NA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
[8] "We're looking at regular expressions in the community meetup today. Regex, as the wikipedia page suggests, have been around for ages - positively archaeological in computing terms. So for the book of the week this week, I wanted to show off one of the most interesting bits of social history I've read: Tom Lean's Electronic Dreams. Lots of the history of computing is either primarily about the technical details, or is a broadly nostalgic look at obsolete tech. This book doesn't do either of those, instead spending its time giving a concise account of how personal computing worked as a social phenomenon. For example, how did people start getting paid to write computer games? What happened when the BBC got involved in personal computing? What happened to the various promises of digital revolutions as a replacement for manufacturing industries."
botw[5,] |>
  select(Author, Year) # subsetting by index and columns and returning a tibble
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  Author   Year 
  <chr>    <chr>
1 Tom Lean 2016 
botw |>
  filter(Year > 2010) |>
  arrange(Year) # subsetting by filtering years, then sorting using dplyr
# A tibble: 14 × 8
   Date       Author   Year  Title    ISBN Worldcat KnowledgeNetwork Description
   <chr>      <chr>    <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>    <chr>            <chr>      
 1 13/03/2024 Kevin M… 2011  Ghos… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "Here's a …
 2 07/08/2024 Tom Koch 2011  Dise… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "This is a…
 3 04/09/2024 Daniel … 2011  Thin… 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… "This week…
 4 12/06/2024 Naomi O… 2012  Merc… 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… "While the…
 5 17/07/2024 Samuel … 2012  The … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "This book…
 6 14/08/2024 David G… 2015  The … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "This is a…
 7 27/03/2024 Katrine… 2016  Who … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>              <NA>      
 8 24/04/2024 Tom Lean 2016  Elec… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "We're loo…
 9 31/07/2024 Cathy O… 2016  Weap… 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… "If you've…
10 22/05/2024 John Ca… 2018  Bad … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "A love-le…
11 03/07/2024 Lisa Fe… 2018  How … 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… "This week…
12 01/05/2024 Carolin… 2019  Invi… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "Anyone wh…
13 11/09/2024 Chris C… 2019  The … 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… "Rosalyn P…
14 18/09/2024 Adrian … 2020  What… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             "A possibl…
botw[which(botw$Author %in% c("Katrine Marçal", "Caroline Criado Perez")),] # finding matching values using base R
# A tibble: 2 × 8
  Date       Author    Year  Title    ISBN Worldcat KnowledgeNetwork Description
  <chr>      <chr>     <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>    <chr>            <chr>      
1 27/03/2024 Katrine … 2016  Who … 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             <NA>       
2 01/05/2024 Caroline… 2019  Invi… 9.78e12 https:/… <NA>             Anyone who…
botw |>
  tidyr::drop_na() # removes any missing values in the whole tibble
# A tibble: 7 × 8
  Date       Author    Year  Title    ISBN Worldcat KnowledgeNetwork Description
  <chr>      <chr>     <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>    <chr>            <chr>      
1 12/06/2024 Naomi Or… 2012  Merc… 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… While the …
2 03/07/2024 Lisa Fel… 2018  How … 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… This week'…
3 10/07/2024 Aviva Pe… 2000  Medi… 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… There are …
4 31/07/2024 Cathy O'… 2016  Weap… 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… If you've …
5 21/08/2024 Darrell … 1954  How … 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… This week'…
6 04/09/2024 Daniel K… 2011  Thin… 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… This week'…
7 11/09/2024 Chris Ch… 2019  The … 9.78e12 https:/… https://nhs.pri… Rosalyn Pe…
botw$Title |>
  tolower() # returning the title column as a lower-case vector
 [1] "the code book"                                                                       
 [2] "ghost in the wires"                                                                  
 [3] "the arch of knowledge"                                                               
 [4] "who cooked adam smith's dinner"                                                      
 [5] "electronic dreams: how 1980s britain learned to love the computer"                   
 [6] "invisible women: exposing data bias in a world designed for men"                     
 [7] "the mismeasure of man (2nd ed)"                                                      
 [8] "being wrong: adventures in the margin of error"                                      
 [9] "bad blood: secrets and lies in a silicon valley startup"                             
[10] "genesis and development of a scientific fact"                                        
[11] "in the beginning was the worm: finding the secrets of life in a tiny hermaphrodite"  
[12] "merchants of doubt"                                                                  
[13] "harvey's heart: the discovery of blood circulation"                                  
[14] "dark remedy: the impact of thalidomide and its revival as a vital medicine"          
[15] "how emotions are made"                                                               
[16] "medical statistics at a glance"                                                      
[17] "the half-life of facts"                                                              
[18] "weapons of math destruction"                                                         
[19] "disease maps: epidemics on the ground"                                               
[20] "the utopia of rules: on technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of bureaucracy"   
[21] "how to lie with statistics"                                                          
[22] "clean code: a handbook of agile software craftsmanship"                              
[23] "thinking, fast and slow"                                                             
[24] "the 7 deadly sins of psychology"                                                     
[25] "what tech calls thinking: an inquiry into the intellectual bedrock of silicon valley"
botw |>
  mutate(Date = lubridate::dmy(Date)) |> # fixing publication dates
  group_by(month = lubridate::floor_date(Date, unit = "month")) |>
  summarise(mean_year = mean(as.numeric(Year), na.rm = T)) # average year of publication by month of botw
# A tibble: 7 × 2
  month      mean_year
  <date>         <dbl>
1 2024-03-01     2003 
2 2024-04-01     2016 
3 2024-05-01     2011.
4 2024-06-01     2004.
5 2024-07-01     2012.
6 2024-08-01     1997 
7 2024-09-01     2017.


Using matplotlib

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.hist(botw["Year"], bins = [1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020])

plt.title("The KIND network BotW is biased towards newer books")


botw |>
  mutate(Year = readr::parse_number(Year)) |>
  ggplot() +
  geom_histogram(aes(x = Year), fill="#1F77B4", binwidth = 10, center = 1985) +
  ggtitle("The KIND network BotW is biased towards newer books") +


Ushey, Kevin, JJ Allaire, and Yuan Tang. 2024. “Reticulate: Interface to ’Python’.” https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=reticulate.
Wickham, Hadley, Jim Hester, and Jennifer Bryan. 2024. “Readr: Read Rectangular Text Data.” https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=readr.