Joins 1: introduction

Power Query

KIND Network members

Brendan Clarke

NHS Education for Scotland


September 2, 2024

How to think about joins?

A join is a way of merging two datasets. Let’s demonstrate with some simple data:

x <- tibble(
  name = c("Steve", "Emma", "Arti"),
  tool = c("R", "Excel", "Excel"),
  training_sessions = c(4,3,7)
name tool training_sessions
Steve R 4
Emma Excel 3
Arti Excel 7
y <- tibble(
  name = c("Abena", "Yuika", "Arti"),
  tool = c("R", "Excel", "Power BI"),
  training_sessions = c(3,5,3)
name tool training_sessions
Abena R 3
Yuika Excel 5
Arti Power BI 3


The simplest join we could do is to bind the rows from one set onto another:

x |>
  bind_rows(y) |>
name tool training_sessions
Steve R 4
Emma Excel 3
Arti Excel 7
Abena R 3
Yuika Excel 5
Arti Power BI 3

That just brings all the rows from y onto the end of x. We could also have just bound the columns together:

x |>
  bind_cols(y) |>
name…1 tool…2 training_sessions…3 name…4 tool…5 training_sessions…6
Steve R 4 Abena R 3
Emma Excel 3 Yuika Excel 5
Arti Excel 7 Arti Power BI 3

Doing this in R, we end up with something quite messy: we’ve gained some new columns (with odd names), and lots of blank values. The reason for this is that Arti has a row in each dataset. Anyone without corresponding rows gets filling in with blanks.

We could do something very similar by hand in Excel. It’s worth noting the VSTACK function, which allows you to bring one table into another in Excel. PowerQuery has some great tools for binding data. Append Queries allows you to perform row-binding:

Select Append Queries

Select datasets to bind together

New table containing all rows from the original

However we bind, the main distinction remains the same. When you bind, the values in your data are irrelevant. Column names will matter - e.g. row binding works when you have identically named columns. But the values themselves don’t matter at all.

Joins proper

Unlike binding, though, a join will pay attention to the values found in our data. For example, we could do a left-join:

A left-join

This would retain any data from our x dataset, but also bring in any matching data from y.So let’s now left-join y onto x using the name column:

x |>
  left_join(y, by = "name") |>
name tool.x training_sessions.x tool.y training_sessions.y
Steve R 4 NA NA
Emma Excel 3 NA NA
Arti Excel 7 Power BI 3

We’d get entirely different results if we joined on the tool column:

x |>
  left_join(y, by = "tool") |>
name.x tool training_sessions.x name.y training_sessions.y
Steve R 4 Abena 3
Emma Excel 3 Yuika 5
Arti Excel 7 Yuika 5

We could do something similar, again using the name column, to add in some dis-similar data from another source:

z <- tibble(
  name = c("Abena", "Yuika", "Arti", "Steve", "Emma", "Bruce"),
  score = c(90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 33)

x |>
  left_join(z, by = "name") |>
name tool training_sessions score
Steve R 4 75
Emma Excel 3 70
Arti Excel 7 80

There are several ways of doing this from R. If you’re not a dplyr fan, you could use base-R’s merge to do a left join:

merge(x, y, by = "name") |>
name tool.x training_sessions.x tool.y training_sessions.y
Arti Excel 7 Power BI 3

You should see that only the values from y’s score column that have a corresponding name in x get populated, and everything else gets filled with NAs. Here’s a nice introduction to the different kinds of join you can do in dplyr.

Again, we can do something similar in PowerQuery - note that joins are called Merges

Select Merge Queries

Pick data to merge, and columns to merge on

You’ll need to expand the values in the new column

Resulting joined data


An anti-join takes a dataset, and removes any matching values from the second dataset:

An anti-join
x |>
  anti_join(y, by = "name") |>
name tool training_sessions
Steve R 4
Emma Excel 3

Final thoughts

  • some nice discussion about using dplyr::semi_join to find similar rows of data without actually binding columns
  • using the pointblank package for data validation