KIND community meetups


KIND Network members

Brendan Clarke

NHS Education for Scotland


September 20, 2024

These are our main weekly social learning activity. They’re usually a slightly chaotic blend of chat, training session, tech demo, and show-and-tell.

Current community meetup schedule
Date Topic subtopic
2024-09-23 SQL alphabet soup
2024-09-30 Art of the possible / showing off great projects
2024-10-07 Turning a user request into something you can work with
2024-10-14 NO SESSION
2024-10-21 NO SESSION
2024-10-28 NO SESSION
2024-11-04 free parking
2024-11-11 R duckdb tech demo / group of use-cases
2024-11-18 Teaching maintenance
2024-11-25 Excel Excel programming/VBA/lambdas 
2024-12-02 free parking
2024-12-09 Research data management
2024-12-16 First-steps toolkit for a junior/solo/reluctant/occasional analyst
Future community meetup ideas
Topic Subtopic Suggestor
Data Safe havens / disclosure control / safe researcher training
Data Disclosure and pseudoanonymised data
Data dealing with annoyingly wide data (e.g. 14 colours in maps for terrritorial boards)
Data Cristina Martin
Misc A non-web person’s intro to Java
Power BI correlations and linear models in Power BI
R Causal questions: Jessica Butler
R Tidytext, sentiment analysis 
Data.table / tidyverse / polars / base R syntax-ecosystem-performance comparison  Gatz / Zihao 
survey and surveyR packages  ?Jamie Zike 
synthpop  Sarah Cass 
R package roundup - Echarts4r, making PowerPoint in RMD, snakecase
Skills Writing for different audiences
Stats Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs)
Stats Predictive modelling
Stats Bayesian stats
R Testing code Ellen Young
R Github collaborations and getting Git installed Gemma Whittaker
Title Date Categories
Appraisals May 16, 2024 skills, career developement, appraisal
Data strategy Mar 7, 2023 Data strategy
Joins 1: introduction Sep 2, 2024 Joins, beginner, Excel, R, Power Query
Leading a (training) session Dec 4, 2023 skills, training, career progression, appraisal
Test driven development Nov 21, 2023 R, testing, intermediate, excel
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