KIND Community Standards: R


KIND Network members

Brendan Clarke

NHS Education for Scotland


June 28, 2024

Basic standard

  • Default to using projects, rather than setwd() etc
  • Packages
    • Load packages at head of script, rather than dotted through the code
    • Keep package loading minimal (nothing “just in case”)
    • Make explicit reference to custom/non-CRAN packages, and how they should be loaded
  • Help your future self (or another user of the code)
    • Use descriptive and consistent variable names
      • If variables need to be set by the user, consider collecting those together at the head of the script with appropriate comments. Or consider collecting these together into a settings file
    • Add sections of code to make the structure of your script clear
    • Consider breaking long complex scripts into functional units. So one script to load your data, one to tidy it, a third to calculate something…
    • Include authorship, contact details, and brief documentation of the purpose of the script
    • Avoid extremely repetitious code. Consider using functions to avoid repeating yourself
    • Consider using styler to keep your code formatted consistently

Enhanced standard

  • Make explicit reference to any formal style conventions employed
  • Use version control
  • For ambitious projects, consider using renv which will capture R and package versions
  • For more onerous scripts, identify memory and CPU requirements listed at start
  • consider using project templates for presentations/reports/dashboards
  • Consider loading individual functions via package::function() syntax rather than wholesale package loading for namespace and performance reasons
  • consider using targets to encourage the use of functions, visually displays the build pipeline and avoids unnecessary re-running of up-to-date code

Considerations for teams and groups

  • Have a house code style, possibly implemented using styler Code styling for readability is important, and no-one agrees, so you’ll need to lead.
  • When documentation is extremely important, consider using roxygen2 to encourage best documentation practice