KIND network update


KIND Network members

Brendan Clarke

NHS Education for Scotland


September 27, 2024

Week beginning Mon 16th September 2024

Dear colleagues,

Welcome to our regular KIND network update. Full details of our events and training can be found on our Teams channel.

We’ve been working on the mentoring scheme this week, including a new homepage. It’s designed to put mentors and mentees in touch with each other to support short and well-defined pieces of work. Please get in touch with any suggestions or feedback, and do feel encouraged to put together a project proposal if there’s some area of work you’d like more support with.

Hope to see you at something soon


Wins of the week

We’re again celebrating some community wins-of-the-week, which have included:

  • I submitted my Master’s dissertation!
  • Proactively prepared a whiteboard in teams ahead of a critical team meeting so that everyone could follow along and help organise priorities - this was the first time I’d used whiteboard on this scale
  • This week I managed to save an egg bound chicken
  • Used PowerBI to generate a recurring analysis pack for sharing with management leads. Now, instead of manually analysing the weekly data to generate charts to be copied into a PowerPoint pack, I only need to refresh the data source and export the updated PowerBI report as a PDF. 1-2 hrs of work reduced to seconds :)
  • Calmly dealt with numerous difficult colleagues and taken the initiative in the absence of more senior staff


  • 13.00-14.00 Tue 17th September 2024. SCODAS meeting. Lukasz Henszel - Infectious diseases notification exceedance detection (surveillance/ signals for potential outbreaks). The Scottish Community of Data Analysts is a community of practice for those working with data in territorial NHS Boards.
  • Thursday 3-4pm, Gemma Wilson (Scottish Government) will be giving an update on the data strategy. All welcome at this informal session to find out more about this important initiative. No need to register - just follow the Teams link on the day.

We’ll also be finalising the community meetup schedule for the autumn next week. But save the date - our new community meetup slot will be Mondays 3-4pm.

Book of the week

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