R reading group notes


KIND Network members

Brendan Clarke

NHS Education for Scotland


September 26, 2024

This was about the names and values chapter in Advanced R (2nd ed). It’s mainly about understanding how objects are named in R, and what the implications are for ordinary R practitioners.

library(lobstr) # to help understand how objects are structured

The first point is about names. We usually think about assignment as making an object called x. But it’s definitely better to think about these separately - first creating an object and then binding it to a name. That means that names have objects, rather than objects having names.

x <- c(1, 2, 3) # create an object
obj_addr(x) # location in memory
[1] "0x14ba179f718"
y <- x # bind an additional name to the object
obj_addr(x) == obj_addr(y) # it's just one object with two names
[1] TRUE

This applies to objects in general, including function definitions:

[1] "0x14b9bba8068"
steve <- mean
[1] "0x14b9bba8068"

We only create a new object when we modify one of the names:

y[3] <- 9
obj_addr(x) == obj_addr(y) # different objects now

There are a couple of important exceptions to this general principle. First, lists have an extra step, in that they refer to references, rather than to objects directly:

l1 <- list(1, 2, 3)
l2 <- l1

[1] "0x14ba0bb7358"
[1] "0x14ba0bb7358"
l2[[3]] <- 99

[1] "0x14ba0bb7358"
[1] "0x14ba0da9948"
ref(l1, l2)
█ [1:0x14ba0bb7358] <list> 
├─[2:0x14b9e987040] <dbl> 
├─[3:0x14b9e987008] <dbl> 
└─[4:0x14b9e986fd0] <dbl> 
█ [5:0x14ba0da9948] <list> 
└─[6:0x14b9e986e80] <dbl> 

As tibbles (and other tabular data structures in R) are effectively lists, this is an explaination as to why row-wise operations are so slow compared to operations on columns. As tibbles are are lists of columns, updating a column just makes a new reference. Changing a row, on the other hand, makes a whole new set of objects and references:

mt_changed_col <- mtcars
mt_changed_col$hp <- mtcars$hp*9

mt_changed_row <- mtcars
mt_changed_row[1,] <- mt_changed_row[1,] * 9

ref(mtcars, mt_changed_col, mt_changed_row)
█ [1:0x14ba216fca8] <df[,11]> 
├─mpg = [2:0x14b980d5650] <dbl> 
├─cyl = [3:0x14b980d5780] <dbl> 
├─disp = [4:0x14b9bef4490] <dbl> 
├─hp = [5:0x14b9bef38b0] <dbl> 
├─drat = [6:0x14b9bef45c0] <dbl> 
├─wt = [7:0x14b9bef4360] <dbl> 
├─qsec = [8:0x14b9bef4f40] <dbl> 
├─vs = [9:0x14b9bef46f0] <dbl> 
├─am = [10:0x14b9bef4820] <dbl> 
├─gear = [11:0x14b9bef4950] <dbl> 
└─carb = [12:0x14b9bef3780] <dbl> 
█ [13:0x14ba216f728] <df[,11]> 
├─mpg = [2:0x14b980d5650] 
├─cyl = [3:0x14b980d5780] 
├─disp = [4:0x14b9bef4490] 
├─hp = [14:0x14b9bef4a80] <dbl> 
├─drat = [6:0x14b9bef45c0] 
├─wt = [7:0x14b9bef4360] 
├─qsec = [8:0x14b9bef4f40] 
├─vs = [9:0x14b9bef46f0] 
├─am = [10:0x14b9bef4820] 
├─gear = [11:0x14b9bef4950] 
└─carb = [12:0x14b9bef3780] 
█ [15:0x14ba2362b18] <df[,11]> 
├─mpg = [16:0x14b9bef39e0] <dbl> 
├─cyl = [17:0x14b9bef5400] <dbl> 
├─disp = [18:0x14b9bef3ea0] <dbl> 
├─hp = [19:0x14b9bef4230] <dbl> 
├─drat = [20:0x14b9bef3060] <dbl> 
├─wt = [21:0x14b9bef4bb0] <dbl> 
├─qsec = [22:0x14b9bef5070] <dbl> 
├─vs = [23:0x14b9bef4ce0] <dbl> 
├─am = [24:0x14b9bef4100] <dbl> 
├─gear = [25:0x14b9bef33f0] <dbl> 
└─carb = [26:0x14b9bef3520] <dbl> 
col_row <- microbenchmark(
  {mt_changed_col <- mtcars
  mt_changed_col["hp"] <- mtcars["hp"]*9},
  {mt_changed_row <- mtcars
  mt_changed_row[1,] <- mt_changed_row[1,] * 9}

col_row |>
  mutate(expr = case_when(stringr::str_detect(expr, "col") ~ "by col",
                          TRUE ~ "by row"))  |>
  group_by(expr) |>
  summarise(`mean time (μs)` = mean(time)/1000) |>
  knitr::kable() # about 4x faster to change the col than the row
expr mean time (μs)
by col 297.377
by row 1051.283

We also looked briefly at alternative representation. The range operator is the best example of highly compact representations:

obj_size(1:1000000) # approx size?
680 B
obj_size(1:2) == obj_size(1:1000000) # the range operator only stores the first and last values
[1] TRUE
obj_size(seq(1, 1000000)) # seq will use the same alternative representation...
680 B
obj_size(seq(1, 1000000, 1.0)) # unless you ask it to make a sequence with non-1L steps 
8.00 MB

object.size has lots of interesting implications for lists as it only describes the size of the references, rather than the underlying objects:

obj_size(rnorm(1e6)) # 8 mb
8.00 MB
mill <- obj_size(rnorm(1e6)) 

obj_size(list(rnorm(1e6), rnorm(1e6), rnorm(1e6)))#??
24.00 MB
obj_size(list(mill, mill, mill))#??
368 B
obj_size(tibble(a = mill, 
                b = mill,
                c = mill))
1.21 kB

All strings are held in a common area of memory called the common string pool. This gives rise to a lot of interesting size consequence for vectors with shared strings:

s1 <- c("the", "cat", "sat", "mat")
s2 <- c("the", "the", "the", "the")

304 B
136 B
ref(s1, character = TRUE)
█ [1:0x14ba2d059b8] <chr> 
├─[2:0x14b98f15d48] <string: "the"> 
├─[3:0x14b9425a378] <string: "cat"> 
├─[4:0x14ba1c13c48] <string: "sat"> 
└─[5:0x14b97784880] <string: "mat"> 
ref(s2, character = TRUE)
█ [1:0x14ba5444378] <chr> 
├─[2:0x14b98f15d48] <string: "the"> 
obj_size(c(1,2,3,4)) # numeric vectors don't behave in the same way
80 B
80 B